View Full Version : Apakah cukup dengan menggunakan pompa 2 biji

12-03-2007, 08:16 PM
kalo untuk kolam 8x4x2,5 dengan area filter 2x8x1,5 apakah cukup dengan menggunakan pompa tsurumi 2 biji ? (@ 250 ltr/mnt )

12-03-2007, 08:31 PM
kalo untuk kolam 8x4x2,5 dengan area filter 2x8x1,5 apakah cukup dengan menggunakan pompa tsurumi 2 biji ? (@ 250 ltr/mnt )
Kolamnya gede banget ya Pak, mimpi pengen punya kolam segede itu.. :shock: Bisa bayangin klo ngisi air pertama kali, bisa 8 truck tangki gede antri di depan rumah.. :D
Saran saya filternya diperdalam 0,5 m lagi Pak, biar genap 2 m. jadi volume 2x8x2=32 kubik.
Pak, apakah tinggi filter sejajar dengan main pond? kalo filter lebih tinggi dari main pond akan mempengaruhi debit air yg dihasilkan oleh pompa Pak. karena biasanya data yg tertera pada kemasan pompa adalah max debit pada min head.

13-03-2007, 06:38 AM
filternya sejajar dng main pond pak.
cuma saya rada bingung unt jumlah pompa, ada yg blg 2 sdh cukup tp ada yg blg 4 karena di ruang terbuka.

04-04-2007, 12:02 AM
dari hitungan, volume kolam 80T dan filter 24T, pompa tsurumi 250l/m = 15T/j jadi pompa dikolam anda 3 bh cukup tapi 4 bh lebih baik (ideal)

kalo untuk kolam 8x4x2,5 dengan area filter 2x8x1,5 apakah cukup dengan menggunakan pompa tsurumi 2 biji ? (@ 250 ltr/mnt )

27-04-2007, 03:00 PM
Numpang nimbrung nich pak.Pakai pompa 2 juga bisa saja pak berarti sekitar 3,5- 4 jam an air sirkulasi 1 kolam. kalau pakai 4 pompa seperti kata pak karom sekitar 1,5-2 jam an sudah sirkulasi 1 kolam. Tiap bottom drain pakai 1 pompa lebih bagus.Mudah2an nga salah nich he hehee.

27-04-2007, 08:11 PM

sorry, I have to answer in english in this case. A very important point is the height above water level, if applicable. You have to consider that there is a significant loss in the flow rate if you have to lift water above pond level. A 15.000 l/h (250 l/min) pump will lose approx. 20% flow already when the head is only 1 metre. At 2 metres you can estimate that the flow rate will be at only 10.000 l/h. In your case you need at least 40.000 l/h flow rate considering a good circulation in your pond (means good discharge of organic waste). I think for a pond in your size it is better to have more details about the setup (how many bottom drains, what piping dia., lift head etc.). Otherwise making suggestions will not be accurate and can end up in a desaster for your koi. A common problem here is for example that we use open pipes without dome as a bottom drain. This system does not have the same efficency in sucking the water into the pipe as domed bottom drains (BD). Therefore you usually need more flow and circulation in your pond. You can have the best filter but it can only work properly if the waste of the pond is properly fed into the filter. If the waste stays in the pond the water parameters will run out of control.

I don't mean to be complicated but trust me, especially when pond sizes are more than 40 cbm a proper setup becomes really essential :wink:

03-05-2007, 08:42 PM
Rasanya 2 bj pompa cukup.. asal kapasitas "filter biologi" memadai(min 25-30% dr volume kolam) .
Kalo kapasitas filter lbh kecil , rasa nya perlu tambah pompa lagi...

kalo untuk kolam 8x4x2,5 dengan area filter 2x8x1,5 apakah cukup dengan menggunakan pompa tsurumi 2 biji ? (@ 250 ltr/mnt )

03-05-2007, 11:48 PM
Rasanya 2 bj pompa cukup.. asal kapasitas "filter biologi" memadai(min 25-30% dr volume kolam) .
Kalo kapasitas filter lbh kecil , rasa nya perlu tambah pompa lagi...

kalo untuk kolam 8x4x2,5 dengan area filter 2x8x1,5 apakah cukup dengan menggunakan pompa tsurumi 2 biji ? (@ 250 ltr/mnt )


if the filter is 25-30% of the pond volume does not mean anything about the biological capacity. The surface of the filter media (number of bacteria that can colonize) is the key factor. Nowadays the biological capacity can be enough even if you use only 5-10% of the pond volume as a filter. Asking whether the flow rate of the pumps is enough should be based on the fact that the biological capacity is enough for the pond size/organic waste. If the complete pond water is not changed at least within 2,5-3 hours there will be definately a change in water parameters. It should be considered that the initial flow rate mentioned by the maker considers no loss of friction and 0m head (lift above water level). Depending on the piping (diametre, curves or 90 deg. angles, length of piping) the friction loss is significant. Also even a 1m head already changes the flow rate a lot. Therefore these parameters should be clear to make a decision on the number of pumps.

Filter technology becomes quite complicated especially when pond sizes get big :wink:

17-05-2007, 11:33 AM
Pak Sven,

I am using two bottom drains for my pond, I use 5" pipe and I make a concrete dome on top of it.
Could you tell me the propotional distance for the dome from the pond floor ? How many cm ?

From your response, I assume you said that it is better to use more than two pump right?

How long should I run the filter for the first time before I put any fish ?
