View Full Version : BEAD FILTER

10-12-2007, 02:10 PM
Yth. Rekan-rekan,

Saya mau tanya apakah ada rekan yang tahu dimana saya bisa mendapatkan Bijih Plastik (polypropylene/ polyethylene?) untuk digunakan sebagai media bead filter? Berapa harganya? Thanks sebelumnya.


11-12-2007, 06:30 AM
K1 coba hub Koi Collections.

11-12-2007, 09:03 AM
Pak Awal, maksud saya bukan Kaldness seperti ini:


tapi bijih plastik , bahan untuk plastic moulding seperti ini


Saya pikir kalo bahan seperti ini bisa lebih murah.


11-12-2007, 11:15 AM
Wah pa Sunu mau buka pabrik K1 nih! mudah-mudahan harga jadinya lebih murah dari yg import.... :lol:

11-12-2007, 11:28 AM
hE HE HE, Pak Awal becandain saya nih. Tong heureuy atuh Kang!
Bukan mau bikin pabrik Pak. Mau bikin Bubble Bead Filter, lagi nyari medianya... He he he...

11-12-2007, 11:30 AM
Pake pasir silica aja banyak yang jual disini...

11-12-2007, 12:16 PM
Pasir silica bisa ngambang Pak?

11-12-2007, 03:53 PM
dari teman yang pernah mencoba, plastik kurang bagus untuk media hidup koloni bakteri saya kurang tahu penyebabnya apa tapi yang jelas PVC lebih bagus, dari teman yang pernah mencoba ternyata pembentukan lapisan film dipermukaan PVC lebih cepat dibanding plastik.

tanda-2 terbentuknya koloni bakteri biasanya ditandai dengan terbentuknya lapisan film dipermukaan media biasanya terjadi perubahaan warna agak2 kecoklatan gitu, teman saya yang sudah pernah mencoba yaitu dengan cara memotong pipa PVC 0,5" kecil-kecil dan menjadikannya sebagai media filter .. dan hasilnya cukup baik.

semoga membantu pak

14-12-2007, 01:45 PM

kalo yang diatas ada yg pernah pake gak,... namanya beecellmedia.

17-12-2007, 10:10 AM
Halo Pak Karom,

Iya betul pipa PVC lebih mudah dilapisi biofilm hasil dari koloni bakteri. Pipa PVC bekas dialiri air kolam, kalo dah kering bisa kita liat tuh lapisan film tipiiis banget, mungkin karena permukaan pipa PVC lebih 'kasar'.

Mungkin bukan karena bahan Plastik pak Karom, plastik juga bila permukaannya tidak terlalu licin, koloni bakteri mudah tumbuh disana. Ini juga 'kali' yaa.... :lol:

Beecellmedia...? Ada-ada aja ...... :roll:


18-12-2007, 08:46 AM
Ada gak ya K1 buatan lokal atau beecell lokal kan bisa murah tuh,...

26-12-2007, 12:26 PM
Setelah bereksperimen dengan beberapa jenis media, akhirnya saya memilih drinking straw alias sedotan sebagai modifikasi substitute dari bijih plastik yang sampai sekarang gak ketauan siapa yang jual. He he he...

Sedotan aqua mempunyai karakter yang mirip dengan bijih plastik, bedanya, penggunaan media ini memerlukan sedikit pengorbanan yaitu kapalan dan lecet2 di tangan (karena harus diguntingin +/- 1cm) :oops:

Setelah filter jadi (walau baru sanggup guntingin 4 kilo sedotan dari rencana 10 kilo :roll: ), saya lakukan tes perbandingan antara air langsung dari kolam, air hasil saringan chamber filter dan air hasil saringan straw filter. Secara mekanik langsung bisa dilihat bahwa filter ini mempunyai kemampuan yang lebih untuk menyaring partikel-partikel kecil (lumut, kotoran ikan, sisa makanan dll) yang biasanya selalu kembali ke dalam kolam. Harusnya, makin mature filter ini, kemampuan mekanikalnya juga makin bertambah karena nanti media straw akan dilapisi lendir biofilm dimana partikel akan banyak menempel.

Untuk backwash dan rinse nantinya saya sudah siapkan aerasi maksimal yang akan mengocok media sehingga kotoran terlepas dan kemudian dikuras.

Upload foto menyusul :wink:

27-12-2007, 12:27 PM
Media Straw yang sudah diguntingi

Air masuk dari bawah tong, keluar lewat atas

Media akan mengambang 'membungkus' pipa water outlet

Water inlet dan flush


27-12-2007, 02:22 PM
om Sunu,

BRILLIANTTTT...!!! hati** om, mudah**an ga ada staf / CEO coca cola yg online disini.. ha..ha..

yg ini serius om, sedotannya dipotong brp panjang ? ukuran potongan berpengaruh ga ya ama lama wkt "LAHIRNYA" lapisan film ?


27-12-2007, 02:29 PM
Buset, 4 kg :shock: . Brp banyak sedotan yg jadi korban? Pantesan aja kapalan guntinginnya :lol: . Lebih baik di gunting lurus atau lancip? Atau sama aja efeknya?

27-12-2007, 02:43 PM
om Sunu,

om, tolong diperjelas dikit, bagaimana cara pencuciannya ? kayak nyuci bioball ? ato ada metode tersendiri ?
trus 4 kg sedotan itu semuanya dimskin ke 1 drum biru itu aja ?
aerasi ? apakah diaerasi trs ? ato cuma diaerasi pada waktu backwash utk "mengaduk" kotoran ?


27-12-2007, 03:11 PM
salut utk anda om.

sepertinya kita dapat peneliti yg patut di acungkan jempol, sekali lagi selamat utk penelitian/percobaannya mudah**an masih banyak lagi temuan temuan yg memperkaya proses perbaikkan teknologi kolam.

saya yakin suatu saat akan ada benar ** teknologi yg murah meriah utk dapat menjadikan air di kolam kaya akan sesuatu yg di butuhkan oleh kehidupan ikan di dalamnya.

salutttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt tttt

28-12-2007, 10:13 AM
Dear friends,

Om Rudy mah suka gitu ... :oops:

Sedotan dipotong +/- 1cm yang penting gak keluar dari lubang-lubang di water outlet pipe. Tentu panjang pendeknya dan lurus atau lancip dipotongnya gak berpengaruh pada lama atau cepatnya pembentukan biofilm.

Untuk drum seukuran itu (tingginya kira-kira 1 meter) minimal memerlukan 10kg sedotan (akan mengisi +/- 1/5 volume drum). Tentu lebih banyak media akan lebih baik (tapi lumayan juga harganya..) Semua dimasukkan ke drum.

Pencucian gak ada metoda khusus. Tutup valve water inlet, buka valve pipa flush, sisakan air di drum hingga setengahnya. Beri aerasi maksimal hingga kotoran terlepas, flush buka penuh dan buka valve water inlet sampai air flush tampak bersih. Biasa aja....
Ketika filter running, saya tetap memberi aerasi seperti biasa untuk kebutuhan bakteri hidup dan berkembang biak.

28-12-2007, 10:17 AM
very very very innovative!!! awesome!!

Om Sunu tolong 1 bulan lagi diposting hasil efeknya ya.....
btw itu sedotan yang untuk aqua gelas kan (warna bening kecil dan agak keras?) kalau pake sedotan biasa (yang besar dan tidak kaku) bisa gak ya?
Dan bagaimana dari segi harganya om? 1 kilo sedotan kena berapa rp?


28-12-2007, 01:45 PM
Om Yunov,

Iya itu sedotan aqua gelas. Sedotan yang biasa, tipis yang suka dipake sama tukang teh botol, gak bisa dipake karena dia gak ngambang di air meskipun lebih ringan. Sedotan besar tebal yang biasa dipake untuk Bubble Tea malah bisa ngambang, tapi kurang efektif menyaring kotoran dan tidak saling menempel.
Di Bogor harganya 22.000/kg, mungkin di Jakarta lebih murah. Satu karung beras yang kecil, muat 5 kilo (tergantung packing pabriknya kali ya).
Saran saya sebelum beli banyak, coba dulu beli sedikit atau dites ditempat (ngambang atau tidak) karna kalo udah beli 10kilo terus gak ngambang...? (Gak kebayang sedotan segitu banyak buat apaan :roll: )
Satu lagi tips, beli gunting ranting untuk memotong sedotan karena gagangnya lebih enak dipegang daripada gunting biasa. Percaya deh! Kalo udah sekilo motongin baru berasa.... :wink:

28-12-2007, 05:56 PM
Salut Bos Sunu two tumbs, ide seperti ini yang sangat inovatip... pelihara Koi sekarang ini bukan lagi barang mahal... ayo ajak rekan-rekannya untuk pelihara Koi. :lol: Sementara kita diforum ini buat alat-alat pemeliharaannya yang irit biaya.

19-08-2008, 12:52 AM
boss sunu

pernah di coba di aerasi terus enggak supaya kayak moving bed filter .. so straw nya jalan jalan dari atas ke bawah gitu.. tolong di cobain..biar nambah nafsu nyoba nya...and enggak perlu beli kaldness..

heheh nemu bentuk media yg aneh lagi..mereka nyebut nya Xtreme bio-media..:-)

ayo dongg bos2 plastic moulding di buatin doong buat kita kita biar murahan...heheh

19-08-2008, 02:11 PM
Aerasi sih terus Om, tapi hanya untuk supply oksigen saja, bukan sistem moving bead. :mrgreen:

19-08-2008, 03:02 PM
Saya mau tanya apakah ada rekan yang tahu dimana saya bisa mendapatkan Bijih Plastik (polypropylene/ polyethylene?) untuk digunakan sebagai media bead filter? Berapa harganya? Thanks sebelumnya.

Om Sunu , sekedar info tambahan ( mungkin berguna ) :
a. Polyethylene ( PE ) ada beberapa grade : LDPE ( Low Density ) , MDPE ( Medium Density ) , dan HDPE ( High Density ). Untuk HDPE biasanya untuk Outer-sheath jacketing Kabel ( juga PVC ). Unt media Filter barangkali yang cocok justru LDPE.
b. Setahu saya Chandra Asri bikin PE . Kalau grade HDPE ( unt Kabel ) biasa import dari DOW Chemical , Hanwha , Bouroge . Tapi ada LLDPE dari lokal PT. Bojong ( harga sekitar Rp 21 juta / Ton ). Saya nggak tahu apa bisa beli Quantity sedikit ( Kg ). Dari bijih PE jika dibentuk dgn moulding tertentu , perlu pemanasan 110 derajat Celcius.
Masih minat Om Sunu ?!


19-08-2008, 03:12 PM
Makasih infonya, OM Penta. Lengkap sekali! Waktu itu memang saya mencari bijih plastik yang rencana untuk media BEAD FILTER. Tetapi saya sudah menemukan media lain (Straw) yang fungsinya sudah sesuai dengan yang saya bayangkan. Thanks anyway, Om :D

19-08-2008, 08:35 PM
Hi guys,

don't get me wrong but you try to invent the wheel once more. A Bead Filter is not only about the biological capacity. A bead filter combines mechanical filtering with biological filtering. The beads have a huge surface area for biological cleaning and they also provide very good mechanical filtration properties because of very tight spaces between each bead.

If straws would provide the same properties they would have been used already. Come on guys, we all know that a lot of companies try to make additional profit when it comes to the koi hobby but don't be so naive to think that you can solve everything by using cheapest materials for the filtration :?

For a proper filtration you will need a good mechanical filter and good biological media (means big surface area). Straws will definately not provide a big surface area and you will need a huge amount of them to get a proper bacteria population. Actually bead filters are very good and very efficient but they still consume a big amount of energy (because of high pressures and big pumps needed). That's why other systems are on the move at the moment.

I really sometimes do not understand the way of thinking. Saving money is OK but we still need to keep in mind that certain properties will be related to certain costs. Many hobbyists do not mind to spend a few millions on buying a nice koi but a very few do really consider the filter system. It is much better to spend the money on the filtration first and start with cheaper koi. Even the cheaper koi will perform and develop much better if the filter system is right but an expensive koi will also lose all its properties if it is held in a poor environment.

there is no need to spend huge amounts of money for a proper pond filtration but there are certain "basic" costs that are involved in the hobby. If you want to start in car racing you will also not get a racing car for 3jt., it is as simple as that. All trails with the new "so cheap" filter media are paid with the lives of our beloved koi. And that is something what I really cannot accept.

Sorry to say, but if someone is not willing to spend a basic amount of money to keep koi in a professional environment it is better to keep goldfish or other tropical ornamental fish, but not koi

19-08-2008, 09:05 PM
Trial and error Sven, trial and error.

Pak Sunu has a creative and rather wild innovative minds :D in converting straws onto bead filter materials.
Let him do the experiments and keep us posted upon the results. Who knows? :lol:
Decades ago, the koi pioneers in Japan didn't even use (and know) any filters :lol:

I am sure Pak Sunu knows about things related to mechanical and biological filtrations that you are talking about since he ain't a beginner. He just tries to find a super duper cheap bead materials as an economical alternative. Bead filter itself is relatively a new animal here, floating in the local market just nearly 4-5 years ago when Peter Waddington was still eager to make fortunes from his Nexus, Easy, K1 etc you name it. In more sophisticated koi forums like koichats. koiphen or koibito, people are even asking if bead filters are really needed or not, or is that money well spent or not, etc. :)

Prices related to koi are all inflated, not only the fish but also the equipments, media etc. It is just human that some people are trying to get more economical DIY's for the best of their hobby.

Therefore I see Pak Sunu's idea not mainly from the purpose of his experiment because I know he mostly may fail but more admiring his bold innovations in using straws, a thing that I've never found in other koi forums.

Cheer up man.

19-08-2008, 10:40 PM
Trial and error Sven, trial and error.

Pak Sunu has a creative and rather wild innovative minds :D in converting straws onto bead filter materials.
Let him do the experiments and keep us posted upon the results. Who knows? :lol:
Decades ago, the koi pioneers in Japan didn't even use (and know) any filters :lol:

I am sure Pak Sunu knows about things related to mechanical and biological filtrations that you are talking about since he ain't a beginner. He just tries to find a super duper cheap bead materials as an economical alternative. Bead filter itself is relatively a new animal here, floating in the local market just nearly 4-5 years ago when Peter Waddington was still eager to make fortunes from his Nexus, Easy, K1 etc you name it. In more sophisticated koi forums like koichats. koiphen or koibito, people are even asking if bead filters are really needed or not, or is that money well spent or not, etc. :)

Prices related to koi are all inflated, not only the fish but also the equipments, media etc. It is just human that some people are trying to get more economical DIY's for the best of their hobby.

Therefore I see Pak Sunu's idea not mainly from the purpose of his experiment because I know he mostly may fail but more admiring his bold innovations in using straws, a thing that I've never found in other koi forums.

Cheer up man.

Hi Pak Ricky,

I dont mean to discredit Pak Sunu. New ideas bring the hobby and the keeping technology forward. However, try and error without any theoretical pre-calculations always will cost our beloved koi their lives and I am not sure whether this is the right way to go.

Anyway, straws as a biological media will work for sure. The question is how much is needed for certain pond sizes (it is a lot actually :) ). But for a bead filter the physical properties simply do not make straws a suitable media. Even 100 trials will not change that fact :wink:

19-08-2008, 11:37 PM
Hi Sven,

Theoretical pre-calculations might be necessary but more important is the end result I think. No matter the color of the cat as long it could catch a mouse is just fine by me. He may have to try and seek for any amount of straws that would be ideal for the 'system' to match the required 'properties'. He may need 10kgs or 100kg or even 1 ton more of straws :lol: and only trials and time and sacrifices will tell because there was never be a 'formula' of calculations applied before for any usages of the straws as the bead filter media/material. This kind of experiment is simply part of the hobby, and while somebody does the cosmetics on his koi, somebody else does something to his media, etc. :) As to endangering the lives of the kois it's kind of too extreme to say since he provides enough flushes on the mechanical aspect to dump any solids and wastes out quite regularly to avoid any kind of bloomings. Fish may grow slow but dead they won't be, unless they eat the straws :lol: :lol: .The bio films that I am a bit worried of .. If they do not appear in a substantial amount within 2-3 months, they might not be forever.

I myself am not a very big fan of any bead filter, a bit too complicated .. :lol: A good system which works well for me is the system who clearly differentiates the filtration (simply mechanical) and the purification (biological). That's the reason why I am now only using brushes, mats and bacteria houses in my whole set up. Simple. :wink:


20-08-2008, 10:43 AM
Dear Sven,

Firstly, it's kind of suprising that this straw filter attracts your attention as this cheap DIY thing is not your level of expertise, I believe. I haven't had my opportunity to meet you personally nor having a short chat with you but as far as I know, your knowledge and skill in Koi Keeping is way above me (a little bit under Pak Ricky, though :mrgreen: No offense). In fact, I admire your effort in re-inventing the RDF. :)

You were right and Pak Ricky was wrong by saying that I'm not a beginner. I'm a beginner, alright, but I'm not "that beginner" to let my beloved Koi die through my theoretically un-calculated experiment. (Thank God, there hasn't been one single Koi choked to death by swallowing the straws, pak Ricky :) )

It is not that I could not afford the hi-end, hi-price RDF, but the spirit is to maintain the water quality, clear enough and healthy enough for the Koi to swim in, with the reasonable cost matching with the price of the fish you're keeping.

As you know, I never encouraged other members to use the system, nor discouraged them to purchase any hi-end filtration system. My posting was merely out of my spirit in sharing experience between koi lovers.

And one more thing, I think I'm going to keep my Koi, and someone else can keep their goldfish.

Cheer up man. :wink:

20-08-2008, 11:00 AM

20-08-2008, 11:01 AM
:P :P

20-08-2008, 08:27 PM
:P :P :P

20-08-2008, 10:54 PM
Dear Sven,

Firstly, it's kind of suprising that this straw filter attracts your attention as this cheap DIY thing is not your level of expertise, I believe. I haven't had my opportunity to meet you personally nor having a short chat with you but as far as I know, your knowledge and skill in Koi Keeping is way above me (a little bit under Pak Ricky, though :mrgreen: No offense). In fact, I admire your effort in re-inventing the RDF. :)

Hi Pak SUNU,

maybe you over estimate my koi experience. 5 years back I did not even know what a bloody koi was. If you asked me that time I would ask you "why you spend a lot of money for a coloured carp?". So, put this issue aside and consider me a "newbie" :oops: . Anyway, since I catched the koi fever I have more or less spent all my spare time for studying these fish and I was lucky to have high-end mentors teaching me a lot of stuff. I know that I am a koi-maniac and my whole life is now focussing on these incredible animals. My focus of work is to collect enough knowledge about koi and give up my main business which became quite boring to me ( even it provides the main source of income right now :wink: ). I am in a lucky situation to have access to keeping technologies and new developments in the market and I try to share the knowledge with the koi keepers in Indonesia. Maybe my approach to certain issues is quite straight forward ( a bad habit that Europeans have, but it is in my blood unfortunately :oops: ) but actually I want to bring the koi hobby in Indonesia to the place where it belongs........on the top!

I fully share your intention to make koi keeping more affordable..... that is my honest target also. However, sometimes facts are already obvious and efforts will be mis-spent for nothing. Therefore my comments might be offensive at times but believe me, I am playing in the same team and on the same side. I Still believe that Indonesia will become one of the major koi producers worldwide because we have the perfect environment and the ability to produce and keep world class Nishikigoi. Therefore we should all share and combine our experiences! If you felt offended please trust me it was not meant to discredit you. I just hope we can bring the hobby to the level it belongs to.

Anyway, I hope to have the chance meeting you personally very soon and share experiences.... :D

20-08-2008, 11:48 PM
Sven, five years ago you even didn't know what a fish is :D :lol:


21-08-2008, 12:04 AM
Sven, five years ago you even didn't know what a fish is :D :lol:


Hey Buddy,

you are damn right 8)

But things change sometimes :mrgreen:

Also the possibility to see the "high-end" koi with your own eyes :mrgreen:

Thanks to one of my greatest supporters (a high-ender who allowed me to see his koi).....

02-10-2009, 04:24 PM
Om Yunov,

Iya itu sedotan aqua gelas. Sedotan yang biasa, tipis yang suka dipake sama tukang teh botol, gak bisa dipake karena dia gak ngambang di air meskipun lebih ringan. Sedotan besar tebal yang biasa dipake untuk Bubble Tea malah bisa ngambang, tapi kurang efektif menyaring kotoran dan tidak saling menempel.
Di Bogor harganya 22.000/kg, mungkin di Jakarta lebih murah. Satu karung beras yang kecil, muat 5 kilo (tergantung packing pabriknya kali ya).
Saran saya sebelum beli banyak, coba dulu beli sedikit atau dites ditempat (ngambang atau tidak) karna kalo udah beli 10kilo terus gak ngambang...? (Gak kebayang sedotan segitu banyak buat apaan :roll: )
Satu lagi tips, beli gunting ranting untuk memotong sedotan karena gagangnya lebih enak dipegang daripada gunting biasa. Percaya deh! Kalo udah sekilo motongin baru berasa.... :wink:

pak kalo di bogor beli di toko mana ?

03-10-2009, 05:47 AM
dari teman yang pernah mencoba, plastik kurang bagus untuk media hidup koloni bakteri saya kurang tahu penyebabnya apa tapi yang jelas PVC lebih bagus, dari teman yang pernah mencoba ternyata pembentukan lapisan film dipermukaan PVC lebih cepat dibanding plastik.

tanda-2 terbentuknya koloni bakteri biasanya ditandai dengan terbentuknya lapisan film dipermukaan media biasanya terjadi perubahaan warna agak2 kecoklatan gitu, teman saya yang sudah pernah mencoba yaitu dengan cara memotong pipa PVC 0,5" kecil-kecil dan menjadikannya sebagai media filter .. dan hasilnya cukup baik.

semoga membantu pak

betull!!sangat2 setuju dengan opa karom, cukup +- 7 hari pvc udah licin (ampuh lagi gombal / apa yah bahasanya-> kain cotton bekas) ternyata cepet banget bakteri berkoloni di situ sampe kainnya hancur seratnya ( ga tau diapain sama si bakteri)saya taunya secara ga sengaja soalnya sekat buat bio ball kan pake pvc ternyata pvcnya lebih cepet dilapisi lapisan film, kalo serbet a.k.a gombal itu ga sengaja jato (tapi ga ketauan) waktu abis buat serbetin tangan setelah aduk2 media filter di bioball chamber

tapi ga tau,ga jamin & ga nanggung apa jadinya kalo tuh gombil di jadiin media filter :mrgreen: :lol: :lol:

09-10-2009, 08:48 PM
Saya mau tanya apakah ada rekan yang tahu dimana saya bisa mendapatkan Bijih Plastik (polypropylene/ polyethylene?) untuk digunakan sebagai media bead filter? Berapa harganya? Thanks sebelumnya.

Om Sunu , sekedar info tambahan ( mungkin berguna ) :
a. Polyethylene ( PE ) ada beberapa grade : LDPE ( Low Density ) , MDPE ( Medium Density ) , dan HDPE ( High Density ). Untuk HDPE biasanya untuk Outer-sheath jacketing Kabel ( juga PVC ). Unt media Filter barangkali yang cocok justru LDPE.
b. Setahu saya Chandra Asri bikin PE . Kalau grade HDPE ( unt Kabel ) biasa import dari DOW Chemical , Hanwha , Bouroge . Tapi ada LLDPE dari lokal PT. Bojong ( harga sekitar Rp 21 juta / Ton ). Saya nggak tahu apa bisa beli Quantity sedikit ( Kg ). Dari bijih PE jika dibentuk dgn moulding tertentu , perlu pemanasan 110 derajat Celcius.
Masih minat Om Sunu ?!


kalo dicermati ada yg aneh.. knp PVC yg HDPE justru cpt ditumbuhi oleh bakteri??
sedangkan diatas ditulis kalo media filter adalah LDPE.. ada yg bs jelasin??

09-10-2009, 08:51 PM
dari teman yang pernah mencoba, plastik kurang bagus untuk media hidup koloni bakteri saya kurang tahu penyebabnya apa tapi yang jelas PVC lebih bagus, dari teman yang pernah mencoba ternyata pembentukan lapisan film dipermukaan PVC lebih cepat dibanding plastik.

tanda-2 terbentuknya koloni bakteri biasanya ditandai dengan terbentuknya lapisan film dipermukaan media biasanya terjadi perubahaan warna agak2 kecoklatan gitu, teman saya yang sudah pernah mencoba yaitu dengan cara memotong pipa PVC 0,5" kecil-kecil dan menjadikannya sebagai media filter .. dan hasilnya cukup baik.

semoga membantu pak

jd lebih bagus pipa PVC dari pd bioball pak karom??
bagaimana kalo pipa PVC 1/2" dipotong 30cm dan disusun ky biokapiler.. apakah lebih bgz dr pd bioball?

13-10-2009, 07:52 AM
mungkin masalahnya bukan lebih bagus atau tidak tapi lebih ke surface area pipa pvc yg tdk luas

dari teman yang pernah mencoba, plastik kurang bagus untuk media hidup koloni bakteri saya kurang tahu penyebabnya apa tapi yang jelas PVC lebih bagus, dari teman yang pernah mencoba ternyata pembentukan lapisan film dipermukaan PVC lebih cepat dibanding plastik.

tanda-2 terbentuknya koloni bakteri biasanya ditandai dengan terbentuknya lapisan film dipermukaan media biasanya terjadi perubahaan warna agak2 kecoklatan gitu, teman saya yang sudah pernah mencoba yaitu dengan cara memotong pipa PVC 0,5" kecil-kecil dan menjadikannya sebagai media filter .. dan hasilnya cukup baik.

semoga membantu pak

jd lebih bagus pipa PVC dari pd bioball pak karom??
bagaimana kalo pipa PVC 1/2" dipotong 30cm dan disusun ky biokapiler.. apakah lebih bgz dr pd bioball?