View Full Version : Nama Farm Lokal

10-03-2008, 07:22 PM

Sepertinya selama ini kalau bicara koi import, kita pasti spesifik dengan farm asalnya, tapi tidak demikian kalo berbicara tentang koi lokal (paling banter cuma daerah asalnya, ex: sukabumi or blitar) ;-)
kenapa ya?

adakah breeder2 lokal yang sudah dapat menunjukkan kualitas-nya dan "menjadi favorit", kalo membeli koi lokal?
dan apa keistimewaan produk dari breeder2 tsb?
dan dimana bisa diperoleh produk tersebut (reseller/agent)?

dan sekedar usulan untuk rekan-rekan,
bagaimana kalo dimulai untuk menyebutkan nama farm dari koleksi koi lokal (jika diketahui asal-nya), paling gak dapat membantu untuk mengidentifikasi breeder mana yg paling banyak dikoleksi ;-)
dan buat breeder juga akan menjadi sebuah apresiasi & pemicu dalam meningkatkan/mempertahankan kualitas...


10-03-2008, 07:39 PM
saya setuju banget nich usul bapak. agar kita lebih mengenal koi tersebut

11-03-2008, 12:54 PM
Harapan rekan-rekan akan segera terlaksana.

Om Rudy dan para sesepuh KOI's lain akan segera mengadakan Breeder Contest, walaupun masih dalam skala yang kecil, diharapkan Event ini dapat dijadikan motor penggerak menuju kondisi yang rekan2 harapkan. kita tunggu saja tanggal mainnya.

11-03-2008, 01:00 PM
Saya rasa idenya cemerlang tuh.......... selain dapat meningkatkan kualitas dari para breeder lokal jadi lain kali kita bisa beli ikan lebih murah dari para breeder lokal yg benar2x berkualitas.

11-03-2008, 01:55 PM
wah asik nih ...

kami doakan semoga breeder kontes-nya sukses terlaksana...
dan tentu saja report hasilnya sangat ditunggu... :)

sambil menunggu breeder kontes, mungkin adakah para breeder yang tergabung di forum ini yang bisa/ingin ber-promosi tentang spesialisasi-nya
- kualitas warna/jenis tertentu,
- ukuran (jumbo),
atau mungkin lainnya...

semoga sukses untuk para breeder dan...
koi indonesia bisa unjuk body di kancah international :-)


11-03-2008, 11:32 PM
Hi Pak,

sorry if I have to answer in english but my Indonesian is not good enough to express my opinion :oops:

I have exported a significant amount of koi to Europe already. The prospect that time was very good, i.e. the quality for a certain market is absolutely sufficient.

A major issue is the quality/health control. I had 2 shipments to the same dealer ending up with a 100% loss because of KHV. KHV is unfortunately still not recognized as the #1 threat for the koi and breeders keep selling their surviving (carrier) koi. It seems that a lot of people still believe the fairy tale that a koi that survived a KHV infection cannot harm any other koi. I have already made the experience that this is definately not true!

As long as the philosophy of selling carrier koi continues (which is not the case in Japan) breeders will have to accept that they can sell their koi only in Indonesia. Nowadays the health (KHV freeness) of a koi is also part of its quality and in Europe it might have a 70% share on the allover quality. I mentioned it many times already.....once local breeders start taking measures to fight/avoid KHV there will be a huge market outside of Indonesia. However the reputation regarding the KHV threat is very bad. And that is really a pitty because the quality of the locally bread koi is actually good.

Please don't misunderstand my posting. I still believe that Indonesia's koi have a big potential but I think it is absolutely vital to make the breeders aware of KHV and the threat it posseses. Many breeders might still not recognize that they have KHV in their koi stock so the responsible people in the organisations need to train/teach them. I still hope that breeders will succeed one day and help rebuilding the reputation that Indonesian koi deserve.....

12-03-2008, 12:14 AM
hi svenn,

slightly oot here, but i guess this is valuable information for all of us.

i was surprised to hear that there are koi which are able to survive from KHV. would you mind sharing with us more on KHV ? up till now, i always think that KHV is incurable nor preventable.

if let say some of my koi infected by KHV (but she is the carrier/the virus just laying dormant inside her body). how would i know wether she is infected or not ?

and, it would be great if you could provide us with sample photos (koi - with dormant state, carrier state, early sign, if you have)

thanks a lot !


12-03-2008, 12:34 AM
hi svenn,

slightly oot here, but i guess this is valuable information for all of us.

i was surprised to hear that there are koi which are able to survive from KHV. would you mind sharing with us more on KHV ? up till now, i always think that KHV is incurable nor preventable.

if let say some of my koi infected by KHV (but she is the carrier/the virus just laying dormant inside her body). how would i know wether she is infected or not ?

and, it would be great if you could provide us with sample photos (koi - with dormant state, carrier state, early sign, if you have)

thanks a lot !


Hi Pak Dimas,

KHV is not curable. That's a fact. Israel developped a vaccine which has been approved in Indonesia (for Ikan Mas) but this vaccine uses living viruses and fishes would have to be re-vaccined again after 2 years.

If a pond catches KHV the survival rate could nowadays be up to 50% (used to be 20-0% some years back). The surviving koi will carry the virus but if they are healthy the virus might not be detected if there is only one or two fishes tested. The most accurate test is the nested PCR test which is available at Soekarno-Hatta airport's lab but to get an accurate result about 15-20 koi need to be tested (which makes sense for breeders that have thousands of koi in the mudpond).

Posting photos does not make sense as a carrier koi does not show any visible signs. An infected koi usually has badly damaged gills, eyes that are recessed inside the head and infections allover the body.

12-03-2008, 01:11 AM
hi svenn,

thanks for your reply. i read some articles in magazine. to test wether koi is infected or not, we should put her inside heated pond (with certain temperature). from what i know, high temperature (as long as not too hot) will activate organism. yet, how about virus ? (especially KHV). they are not really a living things (i forgot my life science lesson :P).

will this treatment helpful to determine which one is infected ? and, do you have any experience regarding this ?

another thing is that, i've never seen an infected koi by myself. signs that are visible are dented nose and white patches inside the gill. for dented nose is quite easy to see. but for patches, will be very troublesome for us to check it one by one. are there any other more obvious signs ?

danke !


12-03-2008, 02:32 PM
thanks for the info's Mr Svenn

that's why, menurut saya, sudah saat-nya kita mulai me-labeli koi yang beredar ini dengan nama breeder/farm-nya, karena selain untuk memudahkan kita mencari koi berkualitas, juga akan membantu kita mengidentifikasi breeder/farm yang memiliki resiko tertentu,
sehingga pada waktunya akan menjadikan semacam proses seleksi & tekanan alami buat para breeder tersebut untuk memperbaiki kualitas-nya apabila masih tetap mau eksis.

oke lah koi lokal saat ini masih dilabeli dengan 'rawan KHV', tapi saya yakin tidak untuk semua breeder ;-)
agak kurang fair juga kan kalo kita selalu men-generalisir kualitas koi, kasian para breeder yang memang telah bekerja keras dan mengeluarkan biaya yg tidak sedikit untuk menjaga kualitas produknya

dan bahkan (menurut saya pribadi) kalo Mr Svenn pernah punya pengalaman seperti itu (100% loss karena KHV), saya yakin tidak ada salahnya apabila Mr Svenn mau memberikan informasi nama breeder tempat asal koi tersebut di forum ini...terlepas dari masalah etis/tidak dan selama tujuannya untuk perbaikan koi indonesia


12-03-2008, 08:36 PM
Mohon maaf sebelumnya,

saya seorang yang ingin bahwa Koi di Indonesia lebih maju dan maju dan maaf... mungkin bisa lebih dari Jepang, karena negara kita yang hanya ada 2 musim.

Tapi memang memprihatinkan jika Koi kita tidak bisa terlepas dari adanya KHV (yang memang tidak mungkin) dikarenakan virus KHV memang hanya tidur kecuali dimusnahkan bersama ikan2nya. Padahal sebenarnya potensi ikan kita juga bisa bagus, dan lebih bagus lagi....

Oh ya menambahkan, mungkin lebih baik tidak ditanyakan bagaimana ciri2 Koi yang terkena KHV karena tidak mungkin kelihatan / kasat mata. Namun sebenarnya juga tidak masalah jika kita tetap menjaga Koi2 kita tetap sehat maka KHV juga blon tentu muncul :)

Mungkin dengan adanya program dari pemerintah untuk penggantian seluruh induk ikan Koi bagi petani bisa membantu dengan catatan bahwa indukan yang baru Tidak pernah dicampur dengan ikan lama ataupun kolam lama yang tidak / belum dikeringkan.... (siapa tau masih ada virus yang di air lama??)

Tapi ya maaf juga bahwa saya baru bisa prihatin aja karena hidup saya jg sedang prihatin ehehehhehe......

Dengan adanya label FARM sebenarnya bagus, asalkan mereka mau untuk lebih maju, baik dari segi kualitas induk maupun cara/hasil seleksinya.

Demikian kiranya jika ada salah mohon maaf.
Terima Kasih

PS: Thanks Mr. Sven for supporting Indonesian KOI.... :D
eventhough our people not respecting it yet

12-03-2008, 08:44 PM
Idem deh sama Mr. Tenonx :wink: