View Full Version : Tolong koi sakit

15-04-2007, 07:33 PM
Para Master koi,
koi2 saya mengalami sakit dengan ciri2..
pertama2 ada bagian yg menjadi putih..
ada yg sisik nampak seperti melepuh dan ada yg jadi makin putih.
8 ekor koi saya, sampai tahap ini langsung koit.

yg bisa bertahan, sisik nya akan menjadi seperti berdarah (merah)


kohaku udah sakit beberapa hari.
yg orange baru sakit 2 hari

Sekarang saya obati dengan dikarantina, diberi obat elbayou dan heater di set 30 c (karena menurut toko2 koi di bandung, ini adalah penyakit jamur)

apa benar ini jamur? apa yg harus saya lakukan agar ikan2 lain di kolam tidak tertular?


15-04-2007, 08:34 PM
Sama dengan ikan saya pak nox. Minggu lalu cuman satu yang seperti itu, tapi karena saya nggak terlalu perduli akhirnya sabtu kemarin (pas seminggu) mulai menulari tiga ikan yang lain, sehingga dari 20 koi yang ada di kolam, 4 ikan saya kena jamur seperti punya pak nox. Sekarang ikan2 tersebut sudah saya karantina pake larutan garam ikan dan heater 30 C.

Kira-kira apa ya penyebabnya??? Karena sebelumnya ikan-ikan saya aman-aman saja. Dan apakah saya harus karantina semua ikan saya yang lain, karena saya takutnya mereka semua juga udah terinfeksi? Atau saya perlu kuras total air di kolam supaya jamurnya mati??

Tolong dibantu ya para suhu koi....


Koi Junior

16-04-2007, 11:38 AM
Koi anda terserang penyakit yang disebabkan oleh bakteri Motile Aeromonas. Hal ini bisa terjadi akibat memburuknya kualitas air kolam atau terjadi perubahan yang mendadak pada kolam anda atau suhu air kolam rendah.

Setelah koi yang terserang penyakit dikarantina, pengobatannya dapat menggunakan terramycine 30-50 gr dan garam 5kg untuk setiap 1000 liter air selama 5-7 hari.

Bila koi mau makan maka bisa dicampur pakan dengan 0,5 gr terramycine per 1 kg berat badannya.


16-04-2007, 03:31 PM
Jadi apa yang harus saya lakukan dengan air kolamnya pak??? Dipakein obat apa?? Kemarin saya udah tebar garam ikan satu plastik ke kolam, tapi masih aja ikannya penyakitan. Tadi malah ada tambah dua lagi yang kulitnya bercak2 putih, sukanya gesek2in badannya ke dasar kolam atau loncat2an.

Atau sebaiknya dikuras abis baru isi air lagi kali ya pak? Atau pake air pegunungan kali ya biar bener-bener bagus kualitas airnya?

Fyi, filter kolam saya ada empat chamber, ch.pertama vortex, ch.kedua sikat, ch.ketiga zeolit, ch.keempat pompa (sekalian lampu UV). Kolam tertutup kanopi, jadi air hujan gak masuk. So far air kolam jernih2 aja.

Kalo memang kualitas airnya menurun, apa yang harus saya lakukan???. Tolong ya pak, saya jadi stress nih mikirin koi...

Terima kasih,

Koi Junior

16-04-2007, 06:00 PM
hehehe.. ada temen senasib nih..

pak master..

kalo kolam saya sich terbuka, jadi masuk air hujan..
selama minggu lalu, bandung hujan gila2an.. jadi kolam memang kemasukan air hujan dalam jumlah besar..

biar ngga ada yg sakit lagi, di kolam utama harus saya apain ?
apa setiap hujan harus di ganti air? ditambah garam ? atau ???

terima kasih banyak lho...

16-04-2007, 06:32 PM
Hi Guys,

sorry if I answer in english. It is obvious that the Koi have a bacterial infection (Pseudomonas or Aeromonas). However it is not recommended to heat up the quarantine to 30 deg. You should consider that oxygen levels are already low in our region due to the high water temperature. If you heat up a small quarantine pond or aquarium you just cause additional stress for your koi, firstly because of the limited space and secondly because you additionally drop the oxgen level. Using additional oxygen pumps will not help as you get max. 100% saturation but you evaporate CO2 wich can cause a PH hike. It is better to treat the koi in your pond by giving Antibiotics with the food (OTC 10 for example) and fight the bacteria in the pond with Chloramin T.

16-04-2007, 06:57 PM
Hi Guys,

sorry if I answer in english. It is obvious that the Koi have a bacterial infection (Pseudomonas or Aeromonas). However it is not recommended to heat up the quarantine to 30 deg. You should consider that oxygen levels are already low in our region due to the high water temperature. If you heat up a small quarantine pond or aquarium you just cause additional stress for your koi, firstly because of the limited space and secondly because you additionally drop the oxgen level. Using additional oxygen pumps will not help as you get max. 100% saturation but you evaporate CO2 wich can cause a PH hike. It is better to treat the koi in your pond by giving Antibiotics with the food (OTC 10 for example) and fight the bacteria in the pond with Chloramin T.

Hi Sven, will Chloramin T kill good bacteria as well? and where in Jkt you can get Chloramin T and antibiotics food such as OTC 10?

16-04-2007, 07:27 PM

it's always the issue if you need to give Antibiotic. Antibiotic cannot distinguish between good and bad bacteria. However usually the filter bacteria will not be affected that much. OTC (=Oxytetracycline, Terramycine is the product name) and Chloramin T is vailable in many shops (also in our's :wink: ). A lot of bacteria is already immune against OTC, in that case Enrofloxacine is very good alternative. We have a lot of experience with this issues as we get a lot of fishes having bacterial infections (and we paid a lot of money to learn it :cry: ). You can prevent a lot of problems (especially Aeromonas/Pseudomonas) using Pro-Biotics. These Pro-Biotics contain good bacteria that consumes the same food as the bad bacteria and therefore significantly reduces it's numbers. You will always have a certain amount of the bad bacteria in your pond but the koi can deal with that as long as they are in a good condition. Problems usually start when parasites cause small wounds and weaken the fishes.

16-04-2007, 09:06 PM
Hi Sven,

Thanks for your advice..
I already turn off the heater, and move sick fish to quarantine pond (about 250 L) and use 500gr salt as medication.
I will look for terramycin tomorrow ( i think one shop in cibadak street have it)

i 'd like to ask you one more question...
how to prevent other fish in my pond got infected ?

do i need to add more pro biotic ? or add more salt ? or add terramycine


16-04-2007, 11:12 PM
Hi Nico,

it seems the bacteria pressure became too high. Therefore there are 2 suggestions:

Take out the fish to another pond or basin and make a complete water change.

Treat the pond with Chloramin T

Local infections should be cleaned and treated with desinfecting fluid (Propolis or H2O2=hydrogene peroxide and then closed with a wound seal. By the way, to add salt is OK but the dosage that you put (0,4%) is not having any effect on the bacteria. The salt only supports the osmosis regulation (exchange of fluids between body and water). Salt as a treatment against parasites (Argulus, Costia, Trichodina) only works at a high dosage during a short term dip (usually 20g/10 liter for max. 30 minutes).

As I do not mean to use this platform as a marketing tool I do not want to always refer to our shop but if you cannot find Chloramin T anywhere you can contact Roni at our place for getting the stuff. I know that Pak Imam in Pancoran also sells this medicine.

Regarding the prevention it is definately not recommended to use antibiotics as a pond treatment. This would only help the bacteria developing resistances (as it happened with OTC already) If you face the problem regularly you need to check your filter setup.

18-04-2007, 12:24 PM
duuhh hari ini sudah total mati 5 ikan udah koit niih.. gara gara 3 hari ini hujannya deres banget.. and sial nya baru buka forum ini barusan.. udah telat deeh..baru paham habis lihat pic ikan sakitnya ..