View Full Version : Filter media berupa ring flow :) menarik juga!

27-05-2008, 05:50 PM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I46Zqcqs ... re=related (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I46ZqcqslVM&feature=related)

Ada yang udah pernah coba ? dimana belinya.. saya sangat Filter Addict nih pengen nyoba terus ngerombak filter system :).

terkecuali Bacteriahouse yah ini sudah terbukti mantab :)

28-05-2008, 03:39 PM
gak bisa masuk youtube .. :cry:

28-05-2008, 06:42 PM
Coba di sini pak: http://www.pondmarket.com/catalog/index ... -media.cfm (http://www.pondmarket.com/catalog/index.cfm/product/218_24/savio-springflo-biofilter-media.cfm)

29-05-2008, 03:15 AM
Thanks pak Irwhadi .. apakah bapak pernah coba ini ? thanks :)

Gimana ni menurut para suhu apakah patut di coba produk ini ? thank you :)

29-05-2008, 02:09 PM
Type ini belum pernah saya coba pak. Sekilas fungsinya sama sebagai media tumbuhnya bakteri dalam chamber. Saya rasa type string permukaannya sama dgn japmat yg lebih gampang di temui di Indo. Ada juga yg pakai pad untuk bersihin panci sebagai media. http://www.skippysstuff.com/
Prinsip dasarnya sama, sebagai rumah bakteri dan tdk cepat rusak bila direndam dalam air. Dulu ijuk dipergunakan sebagai media juga karena fungsinya sama sebagai rumah bakteri, tetapi bisa busuk sejalan dgn waktu. Kira2 begitu menurut pengamatan saya sih pak, :D :D

29-05-2008, 04:03 PM
Coba di sini pak: http://www.pondmarket.com/catalog/index ... -media.cfm (http://www.pondmarket.com/catalog/index.cfm/product/218_24/savio-springflo-biofilter-media.cfm)

Thanks pak ...

Ini saya copy paste aja deh bantu yg gak bisa browsing.

Savio Springflo Biofilter Media


Each box of Savio Springflo Biofilter Media equals 180 sq. feet of surface area!
Each box of Savio Springflo Biofilter Media will fill 2'-3' cubic feet of space when dispensed into a Garden Pond Filter.
Rapid Bacteria Growth.
Resists clogging and works better when partially clogged.
More surface area than other types of Biological Media.
Outlasts Lava Rock and Ammo Rocks.
Good for all Open Chambered Filters.
Great upgrade for the following Filters:

Aquascape Waterfall Filters/Biofalls.
Pondsweep Waterfall Filters/Biofalls.
Atlantic Waterfall Filters/Biofalls.
Fishmate Gravity Filters.
Tetra Clear Choice Biofilters.
Excellent replacement for Filter Mats, Gravel, Lava Rocks, sand, and Floss-Type Medias - not for use in Pressurized Filters.

Unparalleled Results:

The performance of the Savio Springflo Bio Filter Media is unmatched. The patent formulation of polypropylene and calcium carbonate was developed over many years to promote rapid and aggressive growth of Beneficial Micro-Organisms. The textured surface is embossed with millions of dimples, effectively providing 4 times as much usable surface area as competing products!

30-05-2008, 04:54 AM
Coba di sini pak: http://www.pondmarket.com/catalog/index ... -media.cfm (http://www.pondmarket.com/catalog/index.cfm/product/218_24/savio-springflo-biofilter-media.cfm)

Thanks pak ...

Ini saya copy paste aja deh bantu yg gak bisa browsing.

Savio Springflo Biofilter Media


Each box of Savio Springflo Biofilter Media equals 180 sq. feet of surface area!
Each box of Savio Springflo Biofilter Media will fill 2'-3' cubic feet of space when dispensed into a Garden Pond Filter.
Rapid Bacteria Growth.
Resists clogging and works better when partially clogged.
More surface area than other types of Biological Media.
Outlasts Lava Rock and Ammo Rocks.
Good for all Open Chambered Filters.
Great upgrade for the following Filters:

Aquascape Waterfall Filters/Biofalls.
Pondsweep Waterfall Filters/Biofalls.
Atlantic Waterfall Filters/Biofalls.
Fishmate Gravity Filters.
Tetra Clear Choice Biofilters.
Excellent replacement for Filter Mats, Gravel, Lava Rocks, sand, and Floss-Type Medias - not for use in Pressurized Filters.

Unparalleled Results:

The performance of the Savio Springflo Bio Filter Media is unmatched. The patent formulation of polypropylene and calcium carbonate was developed over many years to promote rapid and aggressive growth of Beneficial Micro-Organisms. The textured surface is embossed with millions of dimples, effectively providing 4 times as much usable surface area as competing products!

WUih mantap .. thank you pak :). Tapi sepertinya produk ini belum masuk indonesia yah.

30-05-2008, 02:31 PM
WUih mantap .. thank you pak :). Tapi sepertinya produk ini belum masuk indonesia yah.

wah .. kalo itu saya belum tau pak, dilihat dari gambarnya sih kayak kabel telpon gitu ya ... apa mungkin bisa dibikin dari kabel2 bekas :?:

27-06-2008, 07:49 PM
bisa enggak ya.. kalo pake tali plastik buat ngepack itu.. kan ada tuuh yg ukuran 9mm kan biasanya ukuran nya gede 15 mm kalo enggak salah...

27-06-2008, 08:28 PM
Hi all,

to de-mystify this miracle product I converted the data to metric.

1 pack will fill 2-3 cubic feet....

I consider only 2 cubic feet in their favour, that means about 56 liters of volume. These 56 liters provide a surface area of 180 square feet for the bacteria (16,7 square meters). If you convert it to metric data this media provides 298 sqm surface area per cubic metre.

Kaldnes or Helix has a surface area of 750 sqm/cubic metre. That's 2,5 times more. If you now multiply the price of 62,10 USD per pack x 2,5 you end up at 155,25 USD. In that case even the Kaldnes (which is not cheap) is better :mrgreen:

"The performance of the Savio Springflo Bio Filter Media is unmatched. The patent formulation of polypropylene and calcium carbonate was developed over many years to promote rapid and aggressive growth of Beneficial Micro-Organisms. The textured surface is embossed with millions of dimples, effectively providing 4 times as much usable surface area as competing products!"

My comment:
Yes, and I can walk over open water :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

27-06-2008, 09:53 PM
kalau sy perhatikan fungsinya sama pak sebagai rumah bakteri aja, bisa aja buat sendiri dari pipa pvc dibubut memenjang seperti spiral ,
tapi mungkin yg itu lebih efektif karena memang sudah khusus dirancabg sebagai rumah bakteri bakteri.

27-06-2008, 10:00 PM
kalau sy perhatikan fungsinya sama pak sebagai rumah bakteri aja, bisa aja buat sendiri dari pipa pvc dibubut memenjang seperti spiral ,
tapi mungkin yg itu lebih efektif karena memang sudah khusus dirancabg sebagai rumah bakteri bakteri.

Hi Pak,

you are exactly right. The surface area will be more or less the same but the cost 90% less :mrgreen: