View Full Version : Telur berjamur, gagal menetas, gimana tuh?

16-04-2009, 07:52 AM
kali kurang sinar matahari deh??

para suhu,.... info donk....

16-04-2009, 08:05 AM
jangan patah semangat... terus belajar...

16-04-2009, 08:15 AM
telur gagal tetas,,,1..suhu terlalu tinggi..ideal 21 c,,,naik 1c gagal 10% dst....2..berjamur..rendam dengan larutan malacyt green / metyline blue beberapa detik...3...telur pertama yg bertahun2 dalam perut ( kadaluarsa) 4..kwalitas air yg buruk ( ph tinggi)...5...pejantan mandul....dll...

16-04-2009, 08:25 AM
telur gagal tetas,,,1..suhu terlalu tinggi..ideal 21 c,,,naik 1c gagal 10% dst....2..berjamur..rendam dengan larutan malacyt green / metyline blue beberapa detik...3...telur pertama yg bertahun2 dalam perut ( kadaluarsa) 4..kwalitas air yg buruk ( ph tinggi)...5...pejantan mandul....dll...

16-04-2009, 09:01 AM
telur gagal tetas,,,1..suhu terlalu tinggi..ideal 21 c,,,naik 1c gagal 10% dst....2..berjamur..rendam dengan larutan malacyt green / metyline blue beberapa detik...3...telur pertama yg bertahun2 dalam perut ( kadaluarsa) 4..kwalitas air yg buruk ( ph tinggi)...5...pejantan mandul....dll...
om brarti ketika udah bertelur harus dkasih metylin blue y biar g bjamur.apa nunggu yg kena jamur?pnah testing telur ikan koki sih,ndak sy ksh apa2 bjamur juga.itu d luar rmh tp dtmp teduh.trims

16-04-2009, 09:09 AM
1. suhu ok, gw pantau terus, gw cemplungin termometer.
2. pemakaian malacyt green / metyline blue ga merusak telur lain, yg ga kena jamur om? kalo kasi pk gmn?
3. telur kadaluarsa (bisa tuh)
4. pejantan....hmmmm.......

kalo posisi skrng udah sebagian kena jamur gmn tuh om??? kalo faktor matahari gmn om? harus ga? telur kena sinar matahari.

16-04-2009, 10:38 AM
telur gagal tetas,,,1..suhu terlalu tinggi..ideal 21 c,,,naik 1c gagal 10% dst....2..berjamur..rendam dengan larutan malacyt green / metyline blue beberapa detik...3...telur pertama yg bertahun2 dalam perut ( kadaluarsa) 4..kwalitas air yg buruk ( ph tinggi)...5...pejantan mandul....dll...
hanya direndam selama beberapa detik..... jangan dituang ke kolam telur semua.. mati jg telurnya :mrgreen:

seringkali memang walaupun pembuahan banyak terjadi (banyak menetas) tetap ada telur yg tidak jadi (berjamur) :wink:

coba dilihat saja.... ada yg sudah menetas apa blon...

16-04-2009, 10:59 AM
coba setelah indukan diangkat, buang air 50% dan isi baru serta beri el-bayou 5grm/2kubic. ternyata efektif mengurangi jamur. selamat mencoba

16-04-2009, 12:18 PM
kali ini belum ada yg menetas, masuk di hari ke 2, pemijahan sebelumnya menetas cuma 11 ekor .


@doddy: el-bayou ya.... perlu di coba tuh.


brarti butuh obat anti jamur tpi tidak merusak telur..................................

16-04-2009, 12:40 PM
Incubating Koi Eggs
The incubator should have a reasonable capacity. A water storage tank about 100 gallons is ideal, and should be made of non-toxic materials. It will need a valve-operated water inlet point and an outlet with as large a surface area as possible screened with a very fine plastic mesh. Nylon stockings are an adequate alternative although they are less robust.

Lay the ropes out in the tank water which has been treated with malachite green solution to stop fungus from attacking dead eggs and spreading infection to living eggs. Position the ropes somehow just at 2” below the water level. Do not add any more water at this stage, but place an air stone on the floor of the vat to gently and continuously aerate the water, as developing eggs need plenty of oxygen. When you begin to see the growing Koi's eyes in the egg, after one or two days, run a fine trickle of water into the incubation vat. The day before the Koi hatches the eyes in the egg will have a shine to them. Soon afterwards, the young Koi will begin to wriggle then, gradually, over the next few hours, it will break out of its 'shell'. It will take three to four days for the Koi eggs to develop and the fry to hatch at temperatures of 68°-7l°. Koi fry can develop at temperatures as low as 63°, in which case their incubation will take five or six days, or as high as 77°, which will decrease their hatching time. However, there is a greater chance of the fry being deformed at such extreme temperatures.

16-04-2009, 12:43 PM
How to Cure Fungus in Koi
Fungus is most common on fish eggs and on an injury site on koi. Various medications that aquarium stores sell can be used to treat fungus on fish quite effectively. Often, fish die not from the fungus but the injury, parasite, or bacteria that created a site for the fungus to invade. Sometimes, the fish could easily recover from a cut except that the fungus invaded.

Fungus is one of the easiest maladies to treat in fish when caught early. It may appear as a patch of fuzz on a fish, or the fish may look like it is covered in threads of fuzz if the case is advanced.

Egg fungus is very common. As a preventative, keeping developing eggs in a dilute (medium blue) methylene blue solution with aeration for a few days (remove before hatching is expected as methylene blue may harm fry) seems to work. Most often, unfertilized or injured eggs are attacked by fungus. If the parent cares for the eggs like many cichlids and the fathead minnow, then the parent in charge will remove these eggs. Otherwise, you must do it.

Methylene blue can aid in the process. Those eggs taking on the blue dye are compromised (infertile or have holes in them) and need to be removed. Without the dye, remove any eggs that are clouded (white) or obviously fungused. Tweezers work well for attached eggs while glass or plastic pipets work well for free (scattered) eggs.

If the fungus gets out of control (when methylene blue is not used), all viable (usually clear with small eyes forming; some species like some cories may have colored eggs) eggs should be removed to a fresh setup with water of similar temperature, pH, etc. Fry should be removed to separate quarters as well because young fry can die from the egg fungus.

16-04-2009, 01:44 PM
setelah pemijahan tuh khan bau bgt tuh, kali itu yg bikin pembusukan dan memunculkan jamur. bener tuh pak kalo air dikurangi setengah dan penambahan el-bayou, sehingga mengurangi pertumbuhan jamur. gmn kalo telur di angkat trus di masukkan ke air yang baru, keliatane lebih sip tuh.

16-04-2009, 08:26 PM
setelah pemijahan tuh khan bau bgt tuh, kali itu yg bikin pembusukan dan memunculkan jamur. bener tuh pak kalo air dikurangi setengah dan penambahan el-bayou, sehingga mengurangi pertumbuhan jamur. gmn kalo telur di angkat trus di masukkan ke air yang baru, keliatane lebih sip tuh.
pernah coba .... bisa... ga ada masalah....
tp yg bisa dipindah kan cuman yg di media peneluran, kalo nempel di dinding kolam ga bisa :mrgreen:
itupun kalo mau yg di kolam diganti air baru semua jg gpp kok :wink:

16-04-2009, 09:38 PM
sip pak tenonx, trial, trial, trial, trial, suatu saat jadi tahu baiknya gimana.
selagi kita bisa tuker pikiran, pengalaman masing2 orang berbeda, pemikiran orang masing2 berbeda, tpi kalo kita mau share, everythings gonna be ok. smoga aja bisa perfect hasilnya.

bravo buat all senior thx for all of your advice.

13-07-2009, 09:02 PM
Emang bgtu om, karena tdk menetas jd timbul berjamur... :D

05-11-2010, 10:08 AM
Mau nanya sama om2 semua..apa dalam proses menetaskan telor diperlukan sinar matahari? Karena sy belajar memijahkan tp telornya tdk ada yg jadi berjamur semua, apa karena musim hujan ya?

05-11-2010, 12:31 PM
bisa pengaruh cuaca, bisa juga karena pejantannya kurang bagus, bisa jg kolam terlalu kecil sehingga telur berdempetan sehingga menyebabkan jamur, IMHO

14-11-2010, 06:51 AM
yang jelas kualitas air jelek mengakibatkan telor berjamur