View Full Version : Best Quality koi food yang beredar di UK

28-06-2009, 11:03 PM
Research By Alex-san (UK koi Hobbies)

Here is a list of some of the best koi foods that promote their health giving properties in no particular order:-

* Medi-Koi rx from Aqua Meds - As mentioned above for very sick fish with 4 antibiotics.
* Medicarp - Japanese food, the only one with Lactoferrin.
* Medikoi Health -NT Labs health food has "Stimmune" a beta-glucan and propolis plus a whole range of health promoting ingredients. Feed for a short period and then mix with a regular food to provide a balanced diet.
* Tetra Koi Excellence - Active formula is patented combination of vitamins and immunostimulants including Beta-glucan 1,3/1,6.
* Saki-Hikari - The flagship range has probiotics to improve digestion and out compete bad bacteria.
* Kusuri FPF1 -A daily food with added immune support from propolis, garlic and brewers yeast.
* Nishikoi Niigata Proffessional - Nishi-Clay, propolis and Nishi-guard - immuno stimulants.
* Takazumi Vital - Developed to stimulated the immune system of koi in the winter. Can be fed down to 4C as it's low in protein with wheatgerm.
* Misimar Supplement food - Uncooked herbs and essential health ingredients. Boosts the immune system, promotes growth and produces a good mucus layer.
* Misimar Silver - The same as above but with higher concentration of herbs - helps to eradicate parasites and recovery from illness.
* Izeki Paste Food -This enables quick digestion and can be conbined with any additives you want. Also contains Chitonarl to activate the liver.
* Intelligence Solutions Food Additives - Designed to make any pellet a super fresh health promoting palatable food. Mix into your food in a set order and then it can be kept in the fridge up to a week.
* Azayaka Food - A daily food with Chitosan.
* Dainichi - Has a special vitamin & mineral coating applied after the extrusion process which can denature the ingredients due to the heat.
* Dai Suki Gold IR - Like the regular food but with added beta-glucans and vitamins for times of stress like moving fish, spawning and illness.
* Koi Fu-Do - Quarantine plus 18C/64F. The semi-soft pellet helps for quicker digestion.
* House of Kata - A new range of foods with propolis, garlic and zeolite.
* Koi Sho - Optimun range is a rich source of nucleotides to stimulate the immune system.

Bagus Untuk Glossary kita :)

29-06-2009, 08:18 AM
Wew.... cuman tau dan pernah pake Saki Hikari dan Azayaka.... yg laen gelap :mrgreen:

29-06-2009, 10:15 AM
macem nya banyak bener ya..

29-06-2009, 03:39 PM
Makin bingung ???

29-06-2009, 04:15 PM
sama dengan kita lah,
tahu aja ada: tahu isi, tahu sumedang, tahu pong, kupat tahu, tahu campur, pepes tahu, oncom, tahu serasi bandungan, tahu serasi, tahu tegal, tahu putih, tahu kuning, tahu takwa, tahu gejrot, bakso tahu, tahu petis, dll, dll
glek glek, jadi lapar nih.
ini kalo koi tau, tahu aja ada mcm2, pusing lah dia.
masih untunglah kita tahu makanan koi ada itu2 aja.
:P :P :P

30-06-2009, 01:39 AM
* House of Kata - A new range of foods with propolis, garlic and zeolite.

Aneh ya.. ada campuran zeolite :?

Satu2nya pakan dr UK yg bikin saya penasaran : EA SHOW .
Bahan utama pakan lain dari pada yg lain yaitu : cacing !

30-06-2009, 09:24 AM
Kalau cacing tanah doyan gak yah??.....
Gak usah beli kalau di rumah ada kebon pasti banyak cacing nya, apalagi kl ada pohon pisang, biasanya banyak.
Salam koi.

30-06-2009, 11:31 AM
mungkin cacing lumbricus rubellus, om... :)
kl cacing jenis ini dl pernah digunakan salah satu produsen pakan sebagai bahan utama pelet buat ikan Louhan..soalnya kandungan proteinnya tinggi...

05-07-2009, 07:47 PM
Suhu..seniors, bisa minta tolong ga nih dibuat tabulasi komparasi head to head utk masing2 jenis pakan dari produsen berbeda?
Karena kita konsumen biar ada guide line yg lebih meyakinkan dalam memilih pakan, misalnya pakan utk growth dari produsen A di bandingkan dengan Merk B, C, D dan dibuat tabulasi dengan parameter yang sama sehingga comparable.
Kita tahu setiap produsen akan meng-klaim produk nya no 1, lalu yang mana no2 dan 3?

Terima kasih...

Bravo KOI's

25-07-2009, 11:50 AM
macem nya banyak bener ya..

Makin banyak, makin bingung..
Tp yg terpercaya, hasil memuaskan, harga sesuai dgn kualitas, costumer puas.. :D