View Full Version : Results of Kujaku Grow Out at SPKC

14-04-2008, 09:55 AM
Hello Frens,

Just putting up the results of SPKC's Kaneko grow out results...and the winner is....

Pak Robby !!! Congratulations.

Pak Robby will be going for a holiday at Camerons !

For more info, you can visit this forum

For photos of the kujaku koi, you can visit this webpage


14-04-2008, 10:46 AM
selamat P Robby ...

memang hebatt sekjen kita ini ....

well done !!!


14-04-2008, 10:53 AM
Selamat utk Pak Robby. Jago nih milih ikannya, boleh nih bagi2 ilmu. :D :D

14-04-2008, 04:26 PM
selamat pak Robby ... Kujaku salah satu ikan kesukaan ane neh kapan2 mohon bimbingannya ya pak dalam memilih kujaku yang baik dan benar ... soalnya serih salah euy milih kujaku

Robby Iwan
14-04-2008, 09:36 PM
Terima kasih pa Karom,Pa Cool & pa Anggit.., mdh2an kujakunya bisa tumbuh gede nanti dikolam saya.., saya pesan 4 ekor yg 3 ekornya mau dilepas kalo ada yg berminat..

Terlampir kujaku (30cm) yg dipilih Kaneko-san sbg pemenang kontes GO.

15-04-2008, 05:43 AM
wah pak robby top abis. foto kujaku yang lainnya mana???. mau dilepas berapaan nich???

William Pantoni
15-04-2008, 06:15 AM
Congratulation Pak Robby....mau belajar nih cara pilih kujaku yg bagus. Kira2 kriteria apa aja yah pak utk pilih kujaku yg bgs?
3 Kujaku yg mau dilepas yg di link web nya Mr. Tan itu yah pak?

15-04-2008, 06:46 AM
Setuju dengan bro William,
Sharing ilmunya dunk pak Sekjen
Kalau peminat cukup banyak kita bisa buka kelas khusus :twisted: :twisted:

Robby Iwan
15-04-2008, 07:36 AM
Bro William, Royandry & Doddy,

Saya waktu milih banyak tanya sama temen2 para pakar di kois, diantaranya bro Datta,Luki,Agung,Rudi showa & Eno.., trus dari komentar2 mereka., saya tentukan pilihan saya, jadi 90% pilihan mereka dan 10% pilihan saya... :lol: :oops:

Klo mau bahas kujaku, akan saya buka thread di apresiasi ikan koi., ada referensi dari nichirin tentang kujaku yg mungkin bisa bermanfaat buat temen2.

salam kois

William Pantoni
15-04-2008, 07:53 AM
Pak Robby...Good Idea pak. Saya rasa kita semua pemula2 semua masih bingung soal kriteria2 jenis2 koi bagus. Selain buka Thread baru khusus bahas Kujaku, klu bisa jg buka thread utk jenis lainnya jg. Thx

15-04-2008, 08:32 AM
Klo mau bahas kujaku, akan saya buka thread di apresiasi ikan koi., ada referensi dari nichirin tentang kujaku yg mungkin bisa bermanfaat buat temen2.
Wah, kalo ini bisa terwujud, saya yakin para junior akan sangat senang sekali, pak.
Kami tunggu lho, pak Robby!

William Pantoni
15-04-2008, 09:04 AM
Pak Djunedz, Pak Robby udah langsung buka thread kujaku tuh di appresiasi ikan.

15-04-2008, 09:12 AM
Ada lagi balance kujaku yg di "auction". Mungkin nanti Pak Expert Robby bisa tlng pilih. Check it out here:


William Pantoni
15-04-2008, 05:01 PM
Dear Mr. Tan...I'm new in this things. How is the auction work? Is it everybody bid and the winner with the highest bid?

15-04-2008, 05:10 PM
Please call me "Tan", or "Pak Tan" if you prefer to make me older.

This auction starts at minimum RM300. Let's say you are interested and someone has already bid at RM300, you can bid at RM400. Then if that someone really want that koi, he bid RM500. Then u really really want to beat him, you put very high so he will not bid anymore, you bid at RM1,000. You make him go gila and he bid at RM1,100. And your turn to go more gila than him and you bid RM1,200. This can go on and on until someone sell his car, house,...just to get the koi. :lol: Yes, the highest amount wins.

I am sure you have seen some koi auction before. The only diference is, SPKC is doing it online.

15-04-2008, 05:14 PM
pak robby u ambil 4 and mau dijual yang mana?
yang punya pak robby bagus2 yah ... KKG034 hmmmmmmm

Robby Iwan
15-04-2008, 05:35 PM
pak robby u ambil 4 and mau dijual yang mana?
yang punya pak robby bagus2 yah ... KKG034 hmmmmmmm

Kaneko Kujaku yg
KKG14, KKG34,KKG44

William Pantoni
15-04-2008, 06:08 PM
Thx Pak ... this is the first time for me to buy on line. Hopefully Pak Robby kind enough to help me to choose the best one.

Pak Robby, can you pls help to choose which is the best quality?

Robby Iwan
16-04-2008, 04:14 PM
Thx Pak ... this is the first time for me to buy on line. Hopefully Pak Robby kind enough to help me to choose the best one.

Pak Robby, can you pls help to choose which is the best quality?

maksudnya kaneko kujaku yg auction itu kah ?

William Pantoni
16-04-2008, 04:24 PM
Iya Pak...yg pak Robby 3 ekor jg mau dijual yah. Saya ada pp ke pak Robby.

Gom 7rait
18-04-2008, 05:52 AM
Please call me "Tan", or "Pak Tan" if you prefer to make me older.

This auction starts at minimum RM300. Let's say you are interested and someone has already bid at RM300, you can bid at RM400. Then if that someone really want that koi, he bid RM500. Then u really really want to beat him, you put very high so he will not bid anymore, you bid at RM1,000. You make him go gila and he bid at RM1,100. And your turn to go more gila than him and you bid RM1,200. This can go on and on until someone sell his car, house,...just to get the koi. :lol: Yes, the highest amount wins.

I am sure you have seen some koi auction before. The only diference is, SPKC is doing it online.

Yah... this real GILA lah... to sell things to get the ??? kois...

Tan people shall bid at SPKC forum only lah... why don't you offer D bidding here...


18-04-2008, 09:42 AM
Yah... this real GILA lah... to sell things to get the ??? kois...

Tan people shall bid at SPKC forum only lah... why don't you offer D bidding here...


Oh bisa, klo KOI's bosses okie I arrange lar ! Lemme know. :wink:

22-04-2008, 02:24 PM
While waiting for response here, there's another auction happening now at SPKC forum...very chantik and cheap koi....maybe something like this for KOI's auction?


Want ?

23-04-2008, 11:29 AM
Very very interesting at the auction...hehehe

Maybe we should really do one here.

24-04-2008, 06:47 AM
there good idea bro..
may be more "GILA" :twisted: :twisted:

William Pantoni
24-04-2008, 07:12 AM
Ron, lu jadi ikutan auction jg yah...tambah seru nih. :D :D :D

24-04-2008, 07:27 AM
hehehe...iseng aja
biar Indonesia no 1 deh :twisted: :twisted: :lol:

24-04-2008, 10:01 AM
hehehe...iseng aja
biar Indonesia no 1 deh :twisted: :twisted: :lol:

Aiyoh ! Jgn lawan antara negara lar ! Lawan utk koi yg di sukai okie lah !

24-04-2008, 10:09 AM
sorry bro Tan..
just jokelah..

26-04-2008, 06:04 PM
selamat ya bro..
ngak sia-sia melototin auction terus menerus tanpa henti :lol:

William Pantoni
26-04-2008, 06:13 PM
Thx Ron...sampai gua ga sempat ketik...soalnya listnya kacau...harga yg udah naik ...bisa turun lg. Harga list nya naik turun...gua jadi bingung...udah aja gua bid yg tinggian.

27-04-2008, 03:52 PM
Thx Ron...sampai gua ga sempat ketik...soalnya listnya kacau...harga yg udah naik ...bisa turun lg. Harga list nya naik turun...gua jadi bingung...udah aja gua bid yg tinggian.

Congratulations ! Just to clarify, bukan naik turun. Problem is, by the time someone want to bid, price already increased. Example, if I want to bid RM800, someone already post a bid at RM900. I post my bid without knowing, then my bid becomes lower than RM900 and looks like price went down. Anyway, I am sure you had fun !

William Pantoni
27-04-2008, 03:59 PM
Yes Pak, indeed it's fun and exicited...this is the first time for me doing this kind of bidding. I hv a lot of fun and skip all my week end schedule :D :D :D

BTW, is there any prizes for whom got the most number of kois? Just joking pak :D :D :D

28-04-2008, 05:53 AM
I hv a lot of fun and skip all my week end schedule :D :D :D
Bro Tan,
it's very exciting join the auction and i really now bro william almost give his time to watching the auction. You no bro..he send me sms in midlle of night to tell he bid already bid of somebody else and the he bid again :lol: :lol:

Just make sure next auction more koi so we have more option and can't be just all kohaku or showa ? :twisted: :twisted:

thanks bro

28-04-2008, 09:04 AM
Yeah I know. Some is sending a lot of sms to a lot of people in JKT. One of my JKT friend even asked me what's the latest on the auction bcos his Internet link was slow.... :lol: :lol:

Another auction has already been identified sometime back. Just letting everyone rest for a short while and we start again.


28-04-2008, 09:29 AM
Beautiful showas in the auction. Looks like not much interest in the kohakus.